NewsletterLIFELINE NEWSLETTER The purpose of "The Life Line" is to provide a vehicle of communication for all who consider Gowrie UMC their home church. "The Life Line" will include not only announcements and community events, but feature articles celebrating the ministries and recent and upcoming events at Gowrie UMC. Please send announcements/opportunities, articles (150-200 words) and photos to Carrie Dalley in the church office at PO Box 479, Gowrie IA 50543 gowrieumc@wccta.net or by calling 515-352-3715 Deadline is monthly on the 15th.
Please send articles (150-200 words) and photos to church office. To submit an announcement click here. If you wish to view the files now, do a left mouse click and a new window will open up with the PDF of the newsletter. If you wish to download the file for future viewing, simply right click on the link and save the file to your desktop. |